7 Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Most of us try to keep our cholesterol level under control, and having the proper diet can help with such a thing for sure. A good idea in this regard is to opt for a healthy diet that has low saturated fats as this is very important if you want to lower your cholesterol level. Try and get these foods into your daily diet. You’ll be glad you did.

1. Vegetables and Fruits


Both fruit and vegetables have low amounts of saturated fat so eating more of them will help you maintain a low cholesterol level, not to mention that these offer a major source of soluble fibre and so help to fill you up. It’s a very good idea to include at least a single pulse of lentils, peas or beans on a daily basis since this can be very beneficial to your health. You can find some great sources of soluble fibres in prunes, strawberries as well as apples, broccoli and aubergine.