7 Surprising Facts About Dieting

1. Let Them Eat Carbs!

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

I love to junk out, I am never happier than when munching potatoes, stuffing pizza or finding comfort in the sticky layers of a nice sugary cake. But as the final crumb vanishes between my lips, I am immersed in a deep sense of guilt, and swept by a sudden need to crash diet – I have broken one of the cardinal rules of dieting, I have eaten carbs!

Or have I? There is no actual proof that foods rich in carbohydrate are more likely to make us gain weight than any other type of food. In fact, in order to make them tasty, low fat crackers and snacks designed specifically for dieting are often high in carbohydrate! Provided we burn the calories we eat, where those calories come from simply doesn’t matter!